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Create a geometric sphere as a surface and convert the points that make up that sphere into landmarks. 


1. There are a few fundamental shapes that you can create in Amira without any other data loaded.
Right-click in the background of the pool of the Project View window, click Create Object… and from the toolbox select Create Sphere.
Other modules may interest you, such as Parametric Surface, Points, Point Cloud, etc.


2. Select parameters that match the desired sphere size and level of detail. Decreasing the edge length will generally increase the number of points per unit^2.


3. The output is a .surf-formatted surface.
You may view it as a surface if you’d like. With a surface view, you can also change the Draw Style to Points to see where the points are in the surface file.


4. To convert the surface into points, right-click the output .surf module and choose Extract Point Cloud. Apply the module.


5. The output is a Point Cloud.
If you need to convert to a LandmarkSet data type, you can apply a Merge Landmarks module. Even though you have nothing to merge, it works on its own. This output would be a LandmarkSet data set.