Thermo Fisher Scientific > Electron Microscopy > Electron Microscopes > 3D Visualization, Analysis and EM Software > Customer Portal > Support Center




[Thermo Scientific License Manager]


Context & Prerequisites

In offline activation mode, you can perform the same actions described in the "Online Local Activation" (KA-01228) article, but without having an Internet connection on the machine where the license is installed. Note that Internet access from another machine is still required to complete offline activation.


Note that access to a computer with an internet connection is required.



When you purchase one or more product licenses (editions and/or extensions), you should receive an email from containing a set of activation codes for each purchased product or option.

1. Launch Thermo Scientific License Manager:

  • If you do not have any product activated yet, the Thermo Scientific License Manager indicates no product is activated on your computer. Click Activate license(s).

No product is activated


  • If you already have some products activated on your computer, Thermo Scientific License Manager lists the activated products on your computer. Click on the Activate button at the top right of the display.

License screen


2. Click on Activate.


3. In the Activation mode display, select Activation code, and click Offline Activation.

Activation methods


4. In the Activate License(s) display, copy and paste your activation codes into the provided text field and click Activate.



5. On the Offline license Activation (1/3) screen, click the Create request file button.

Offline activation

Specify where to save the request.tlm file that contains your offline activation request, then click Save.

Transfer your TLM request file to a computer with an internet connection. 


6. On a computer with an Internet connection, open in a web browser:

  • Select Upload File.

  • Click the Choose file button, select your TLM request file then click the Open button.

  • Click Submit. This initiates the download of the response.tlm file. Specify a location to save it.

  • Transfer the response.tlm file to the computer where you want to activate the local license.


7. In the Offline license activation (2/3) display, click Finish now.

Offline activation upload


8. In the Offline license activation (3/3) display, click Load response file.

Offline activation load

Navigate to and select the response.tlm file, then click the Open button.


When activation is complete, the product is ready to be used and the Thermo Scientific License Manager displays information related to the activation.