Thermo Fisher Scientific > Electron Microscopy > Electron Microscopes > 3D Visualization, Analysis and EM Software > Customer Portal > Support Center




Context & Prerequisites


Warning: This process consists of two inseparable steps. This article describes the second part, which explains how to set up a FlexNet server for a Thermo Scientific license. For the first part, please refer to article KA-01300 "Linux: Install lmadmin as license server manager".


Before going further, here are some prerequisites:


1. Ensure you have run all the steps described in the article KA-01300 as explained above.


2. Open a command prompt/terminal with administrator’s rights in the directory where you have extracted the FlexNet server tools archive and go to the FlexNetLicenseServerTools subdirectory. 


3. Enter the following command in the console to install Thermo Scientific anchor services:

  • In a terminal with administrator’s rights type the following command: sh

  • Add the current directory to your library path by entering the following command where <PathToFlexNetLicenseServerToolsDirectory> must be replaced by the explicit path to the FlexNetLicenseServerTools directory:
    • Linux bash:
    • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<PathToFlexNetLicenseServerToolsDirectory>:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    • Linux csh:
    • setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH <PathToFlexNetLicenseServerToolsDirectory>

  • Please check that the folder /usr/local has written permission to activate, deactivate, and upgrade licenses.



  • Add the asglmd vendor daemon to lmadmin

You can skip this section if your server must provide licenses for OpenInventor products only, and directly go to the section Add the mcslmd vendor daemon to lmadmin below.

1. Ensure that process (service) asglmd is not running. If necessary, please stop it. To check it:

For Linux:

  • Open a Terminal, and run: ps -fC asglmd
  • If asglmd is displayed: pkill asglmd

2. Copy/paste the asglmd and asglmd_libFNP files from the downloaded package FlexNetLicenseServerTools directory to the lmadmin install directory. By default, on Linux, the lmadmin install directory is:



3. If you have just installed lmadmin, please check that the lmadmin service is running:

  • For Linux open a Terminal, and run: ps -fC lmadmin
  • If lmadmin is not running, start it using the command: /opt/FNPLicenseServerManager/lmadmin

If lmadmin cannot be run, please refer to the article KA-01300 "Linux: Install lmadmin as license server manager".


4. Open http://localhost:8090/systeminfo in a web browser.

  • If you have just installed lmadmin, you will be prompted to enter a name and a password: enter “admin” and “admin”.
  • Retrieve and copy the Ethernet Address. If the Ethernet Address is not displayed, you can use the Volume Serial Number.


5. Create a temporary text-only file (at any location in your file system) named license.dat containing:

SERVER this_host <EthernetAddress>
VENDOR asglmd

For instance:
SERVER this_host 012345678901
VENDOR asglmd


6. Open http://localhost:8090/vendor in a web browser, to set up your license server as follows:

  • Click on "Import License".
  • Select your previously created license.dat file.
  • Check the Overwrite License File on the License Server.
  • Click on "Import License".

7. Check in http://localhost:8090/vendor that the asglmd vendor daemon has been installed. The vendor daemon won’t start and will be in “Down” status until a valid license is activated for that vendor daemon.


8. If asglmd fails to start, please refer to the article KA-01298 "Vendor Daemon Startup Troubleshooting Suggestions".



  • Add the mcslmd vendor daemon to lmadmin

You can skip this section if your server must NOT provide licenses for Avizo, Amira, or PerGeos products released before the 2020.3 version, or for OpenInventor products.

1. Ensure that process (service) mcslmd is not running. If necessary, please stop it. To check it:

For Linux:

  • Open a Terminal, and run: ps -fC mcslmd
  • If mcslmd is displayed: pkill mcslmd

2. Copy/paste the mcslmd and mcslmd_libFNP files from the downloaded package FlexNetLicenseServerTools directory to the lmadmin install directory. By default, on Linux, the lmadmin install directory is:



3. If you have just installed lmadmin, please check that the lmadmin service is running:

  • For Linux open a Terminal, and run: ps -fC lmadmin
  • If lmadmin is not running, start it using the command: /opt/FNPLicenseServerManager/lmadmin

If lmadmin cannot be run, please refer to the article KA-01300 "Linux: Install lmadmin as license server manager".


4. Open http://localhost:8090/systeminfo in a web browser.

  • If you have just installed lmadmin, you will be prompted to enter a name and a password: enter “admin” and “admin”.
  • Retrieve and copy the Ethernet Address. If the Ethernet Address is not displayed, you can use the Volume Serial Number.


5. Create a temporary text-only file (at any location in your file system) named license.dat containing:

SERVER this_host <EthernetAddress>
VENDOR mcslmd

For instance:
SERVER this_host 012345678901
VENDOR mcslmd

6. Open http://localhost:8090/vendor in a web browser, to set up your license server as follows:

  • Click on "Import License".
  • Select your previously created license.dat file.
  • Check the Overwrite License File on the License Server.
  • Click on "Import License".

7. Check that mcslmd vendor has started:

  • Check the activation status of your licenses (if no license is active on your server the mcslmd daemon will exit immediately after starting):
    • Open a command prompt/terminal in the directory where you extracted the FlexNet server tools archive and go to the FlexNetLicenseServerTools subdirectory
    • Run ServerFNOODActivation -view
    • Check the output, making sure the Status of each license is Enabled, and the Trust Flags are Fully Trusted. If they are not, please contact our Customer Support team for assistance.
    • If no license is active, please activate your licenses following the instructions in the section Activate Thermo Scientific Software Licenses.


Congratulations! The server is now running and the Thermo Scientific vendor daemons are set up and ready for license installation.