[Thermo Scientific License Manager]
Note that an Internet connection is required. If you do not have an Internet connection, refer to the "Offline Local Transfer" article (KA-01237).
After activating local licenses on one machine, you may need to transfer them to another. Use the Transfer action, which deactivates the licenses on the original machine and saves the associated TLM codes for activation on a new machine.
On the original machine with active licenses, open Thermo Scientific License Manager:
1. In the Licenses screen, select Transfer either for a multiple list of product licenses or for a specific license, and click the icon.
2. In the Transfer mode display, choose Online Transfer.
3. In the Transfer License(s) display, confirm by clicking on Continue.
4. The resulting Transfer report indicates if selected licenses have been successfully deactivated.
Download their activation codes as a tlm-codes.tlm file by clicking Download TLM Codes.
5. Save this tlm-codes.tlm file and then copy it to your new machine where you want to install these licenses.
Open Thermo Scientific License Manager here.
6. Follow either online (see article KA-01228 "Online Local Activation") or offline activation (see KA-01233 "Offline Local Activation") procedures for the local license(s) and use activation code(s) saved in tlm-codes.tml file.
If you happen to lose your transferred license’s TLM codes during this process, retrieve them using the transfer-tlm-codes file automatically generated during each transfer operation.
This file is located in your system user directory.