[Thermo Scientific License Manager]
In order to update your license certificate you will need the following:
- Your FlexNet license server Host ID and one of your licenses Order Line number.
This information can be found in TLM in the License Information display: click the product name of any certificate license and look at the Feature Line(s) information that contains your license key.
Your Host ID is the string following the “HOSTID=” keywords and your Order Line number is the string following the “SN=” keywords.
- A machine connected to the Internet to access the TLM portal:
1. Open TLM portal Upgrade menu: https://tlm-portal.com/operations/upgrade.
2. Enter your license server Host ID and one of your license Order Line Number. Click on Continue.
3. Enter the version you want to upgrade to and select the licenses you want to upgrade. Click on Upgrade.
4. The result of the upgrade is displayed. Click on Download License File to download your updated license file.
5. Install the updated license.dat certificate license on the machine where your product is installed following the article KA-01242 "Local License Certificate: Installation" instructions.